Empower your team with private automations

In addition to our desktop app, we offer cutting-edge AI todeploy secure automations over all your data.

Talk to our team

Why deploy AI on private infrastructure?

When deploying Knapsack AI on your own servers or private cloud instances on GCP, AWS, or Azure, you have complete control of how your data gets used for training or inference. We also provide turnkey functionality to extract insights from your data and documents, via RAG and other tools.

Help us help you carve your own path.

flow diagram

What our customers are saying

Daniel Lopez, Sevanta

Mark and Cooper get it: AI is great, but there are a lot of use cases where you can't just send proprietary data out over an API, no matter how much you might (or might not) trust OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, or others. Self-hosting your AI not only keeps you in control of where your data goes, but helps you avoid the turbulence of a rapidly changing ecosystem of providers. Businesses like Sevanta who add AI capabilities to their existing applications can't afford an unexpected change in capabilities if a model gets dumber, or if a provider goes out of business. Knap helped us execute our plan quickly!

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